Searching for the next Metrobay Comix contributor!

Important information from Metrobay Comix management.
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Doctor Robo
Posts: 307
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:24 am
Location: Metrobay

Searching for the next Metrobay Comix contributor!

Post by Doctor Robo »

ATTENTION EROTIC STORYTELLERS: Metrobay Comix is currently seeking new artistic talent to join our creative team. The successful candidate(s) will contribute one or more issues of a graphic novel-style story per month, approximately 20-25 pages per issue, set in the shared Metrobay universe and featuring erotic fantasy/fetish content for an adult audience. The ability to illustrate your own artwork is a must, comic book-style writing experience is preferred but not required for consideration.

This is a paid position. Additional perks include a complimentary subscription to and access to thousands of potential followers.

Those interested in applying can email Please include a brief description of your fantasy kinks and samples of your work. For more information on Metrobay Comix visit Thank you!

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