Avoiding login and password issues
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 12:21 am
Hi folks. DireLilith, one of our comix contributors and the head of our customer service team, asked me to pass along a tip to help avoid potential problems with your members gallery password. She says it's important to NOT use any non-alphanumeric characters in your password. That means ONLY use letters and numbers - no punctuation or anything like that. Apparently the gallery doesn't like those quirky characters, so it's best to leave them out.
If you have any questions about your account feel free to email them to metrobaycomix(at)gmail.com and/or sbediwebwych(at)gmail.com. We'll make every effort to answer you within 24 hours.
- Doc
If you have any questions about your account feel free to email them to metrobaycomix(at)gmail.com and/or sbediwebwych(at)gmail.com. We'll make every effort to answer you within 24 hours.
- Doc